Speaker: Jason Wells, TD Bank Vice President, SBA Business Development Officer
Financial statements can help a business owner to see trends, which can be helpful for decision-making. This class will examine the profit and loss statement, cash flow, and other standard reports and templates from accounting software. These reports show insights into how and where money is spent (cash flow and profit and loss) and review the Balance Sheet.
A passionate advocate for business development and community reinvestment, Jason Wells works to help small business owners & entrepreneurs secure access to the capital they need by originating SBA loans. He is an organizational leader with 21 years of experience and a thorough knowledge of government-sponsored loan products, commercial lending, and program management.
As a new subject matter contact in the North Florida market with the mission to stimulate SBA program utilization, Jason cultivates relationships with business professionals in diverse settings to leverage facilitating various small business financial literacy outreach initiatives and even participating in non-profit boards to network with viable organizations & stakeholders to sustain business growth which stimulates our economy.
Jason earned a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Washington & Jefferson College.