Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the African American Entrepreneurs Association (AAEA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Palm Coast, Florida. The AAEA was formed to develop and create economic development through entrepreneurship within the underserved African American community through education, mentoring, workshops, group economics, and micro-financing opportunities. AAEA members and partners include a wide range of organizations that provide capital and services to assist underserved entrepreneurs in creating and expanding their businesses. With your support, we can all make a difference!
Partner Membership: $795.00
Eligibility: 10-20 employees
Benefits: FREE workshops, Member pricing on special events, Listing in online business directory, Social media marketing & promotion, featured front page website acknowledgment, Company logo on website and printed promotional materials, Special updated insider’s information, Input on new programs offered to members, Monthly e-journal
Corporate Membership: $1,595.00
Eligibility: 20 or more employees
Benefits: FREE workshops, Member pricing on special events, Listing in online business directory, Social media marketing & promotion, featured front page website acknowledgment, Company logo on website and printed promotional materials, Special updated insider’s information, Input on new programs offered to members, Monthly e-journal
*Non-member workshop fee $25.00
Sponsorship Opportunities: Please call for details on sponsorship opportunities at 800-671-1397
Starts from $1,500.00 – $25,000.00
(*Non-member workshop fee $25.00 / Student $5.00 )